This study investigated the impact of body dissatisfaction and binge eating on self-esteem in women with Type II diabetes. The relationship of body dissatisfaction and bingeing to perceived blood glucose control was also assessed. Questionnaires were completed by a total of 215 women: 125 women with Type II diabetes and 90 comparison women, who were roughly matched for age, education, and ethnicity. When actual weight (BMI) was statistically controlled, there was no difference between the groups in body dissatisfaction or bingeing behavior. The women with diabetes, however, had significantly lower self-esteem. Further, bingeing made a significant contribution to their self-esteem, in contrast to the women without diabetes. For the women with diabetes, body dissatisfaction and bingeing were also related to perceived blood glucose control, although only bingeing remained significant when both variables were entered into the regression equation. It was concluded that diabetes broadens the domains of body dissatisfaction which are related to self-esteem.