The paper presents 2 cases of metastases of clear cell carcinoma of kidney into thyroid gland in patients on renal replacement therapy. In one patient after bilateral nephrectomy due to renal clear cell carcinoma (in 15 years time interval) and in second patient after left-side nephrectomy performed 16 years earlier and terminal right kidney insufficiency due to nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome for a year. In diagnosis essentials were: physical signs--palpable single node within the thyroid gland, earlier neoplastic anamnesis, cold node in scintigraphy, hypoechogenic node in ultrasonography of the thyroid gland, particularly with a rich vascular net within the node in power-doppler examination and, at last cytology of material from ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy of the node. The diagnosis had been confirmed in intraoperative histopathological examination before the total thyroidectomy was performed.