The proto-oncogene c-jun is involved in cellular proliferation by interfering with signals that lead to cellular differentiation. Moreover the induction of metalloproteinase gene appears to utilise the c-jun oncogene as intracellular messenger. The aims of this study were to evaluate a) the expression of c-jun oncogene in pancreatic cancer b) its relation with tumor histological features. Surgical specimens of pancreatic cancer were collected from 22 patients radically operated upon, and from 11 submitted to palliation. As a control group, 5 specimens of normal pancreas and 5 specimens of chronic pancreatitis were studied. C-jun staining was graded as follows: (-) positive cells < 10%, (+) from 10 to 30%, (+2), from 30 to 60%, (+3) from 60 to 90%. Glucagon and somatostatin staining was graded counting the positive cells of total numer of Langherans islet cells counted. c-Jun expression (low: < 30% and high: > 30%) was related to stage, architectural and cytological grading, vascular, lymph nodal, perineural invasion. Normal pancreas and chronic pancreatitis tissues appear to express the c-jun protein in less than 10% of ductal cells. The percentage of tumor cells stained for c-jun is increased as compared to the control group in 28/33 cases: in 13 (46%) it ranges from 10 to 30%; in 10 (36%) from 30 to 60% and in 5 (18%) from 60 to 90%. The frequency of high or low c-jun expression is not different in relation to the histological features of tumor. Moreover, c-jun protein is present in 40% of cells of Langherans islets in normal pancreas, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. The Langherans islet cells stained for c-jun exhibit also a positivity for glucagon. In conclusion; a) in pancreatic cancer, the expression of c-jun is increased in tumour cells in majority of cases as compared to the control group, b) a c-jun positivity is also found in alpha cells with a pattern not different from control group, but the relation between the alpha cells and c-jun production is unknown, c) c-jun expression does not vary in relation to histological findings.