Using a yeast two-hybrid screening strategy with a common tumour-derived p53 mutant as bait, we identified several mutant p53-interacting partners including the known proteins wild-type (wt) p53, hUBC9 and GBP/PIAS1. In addition, a novel protein partner was identified which we have termed MBP1, for Mutant p53-Binding Protein 1. MBP1 is a new member of the emerging fibulin gene family, which currently comprises fibulin-1, fibulin-2 and S1-5. Expression of MBP1 mRNA is differentially regulated both temporally during development of the mouse embryo and in a tissue-specific manner within the adult. Specific interaction between MBP1 and mutant p53 was illustrated by both two-hybrid analysis in yeast and co-immunoprecipitation in mammalian cells. MBP1 displayed the following order of binding specificity towards different p53 forms: H175 > G281 > H273 > or = W248>wt p53. Thus, MBP1 appears to bind preferentially to p53 mutants of the 'structural' rather than 'contact' class, reflecting a potential bias towards those mutants having a significant alteration in conformation from that assumed by wt p53. We propose that MBP1 is the product of a candidate oncogene as rates of both neoplastic transformation and tumour cell growth were shown to be significantly enhanced when the protein is ectopically overexpressed. Furthermore, MBP1 may play a role in determining if a 'gain of function' effect is seen with certain p53 mutants.