Arterial intimal thickening after endothelial injury induced in rodents has proven to be a relatively unreliable model of restenosis for testing clinically useful compounds. The same has been found for cultured rat or rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To test alternative possibilities, we have studied several differentiation features of porcine coronary artery SMCs, cultured up to the 5th passage after enzymatic digestion of the media. The effects of heparin, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 or TGF-beta2, and all-trans-retinoic acid (tRA) on proliferation, migration, and differentiation of these cells also were examined. Porcine arterial SMCs in culture not only express high levels of alpha-smooth muscle (SM) actin but, contrary to rodent SMCs, also maintain an appreciable expression of SM myosin heavy chain isoforms 1 and 2, desmin, and smoothelin, a recently described late differentiation marker of vascular SMCs. We demonstrate for the first time that smoothelin is colocalized with alpha-SM actin in these cells. Finally, we show that in the porcine model, heparin is more potent than TGF-beta1 or TGF-beta2 and tRA in terms of inhibition of proliferation and migration and of increasing the expression of differentiation markers. This model should be a useful complement to in vivo studies of SMC differentiation and of pathological situations such as restenosis and atheromatosis.