We report a case of brain surface clear cell ependymoma. A 13-year-old boy presented with complaints of right hypesthesia. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance image showed a left fronto-parietal cystic, calcified mass lesion. He underwent total resection of the tumor including cyst wall. The tumor located on the surface of the parietal lobe was sharply demarcated from the surrounding brain tissue and there was no continuity with the ventricular wall. Histological examination of the surgical specimens showed oligodendroglioma-like cells that had round unclei, clear cytoplasm which formed perivascular pseudorosettes, and immunoreactivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Electromicroscopically, microvilli were seen. The findings were compatible with clear cell ependymoma. The cyst wall was lined with a layer of single cuboidal cells and, immunohistochemically, had no basal membrane. The inner surface of the cyst was positive for EMA, and the cuboidal cells were positive for GFAP. We discuss possible mechanisms for tumor growth in our case and the histogenesis of its cyst.