A 31-year-old man admitted to our hospital complaining of right chest pain. Chest X-ray on admission revealed a collapsed lung and an air fluid line in the right thorax. A chest tube drainage was carried out, but hemorrhagic pleural fluid was drainaged. Forty minutes later, an anemia developed and chest X-ray showed increased massive right pleural collection. Therefore, emergent surgery was performed. An operation under thoracoscopic guidance was converted into thoracotomy because of massive blood clots and fresh bleeding. A bleeding originating from the branch of 1st intercostal artery and a bulla on upper lobes were noted. The artery was coagulated with electrocoutary and ligated using Endo-loop. This artery is not congenital abnormal one but collateral expanded one of which the elastic lamina is thickened. Spontaneous hemopneumothorax is life-threatening, emergent operation should be undergone.