Purpose: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate a prototype noncontact pneumatic esthesiometer for measuring sensitivity of the eye.
Methods: To evaluate the instrument's repeatability, central corneal sensitivity was recorded on two separate occasions with a 24-h interval between the two measures. In a separate experiment, corneal edema was induced with a thick hydrogel lens, and the eye was closed and patched. Corneal sensitivity was measured before wearing the lenses for 3 h, immediately after lens removal, and 15 min later. Corneal sensitivity also was measured before the instillation of a single drop of proparacaine (Alcaine, 0.5%) and at 2 and 18 min later. Sensitivity was measured at the corneal apex and at a temporal conjunctival location 3 mm from the limbus.
Results: A high correlation was found between days 1 and 2 (r = 0.90; p = 0.0001). The coefficient of repeatability (COR = 0.87 mm Hg) showed that 95% of the difference between test and retest measures were between +/-0.87 mm Hg. Corneal sensitivity decreased by 55% after lens-induced corneal swelling and by 159% after instillation of the topical anesthetic. Central corneal sensitivity was found to be significantly higher than that of the temporal conjunctiva (p = 0.0001).
Conclusion: We conclude that this pneumatic esthesiometer provides repeatable and reliable measures of ocular-surface sensitivity.