The role of the CD45-associated phosphoprotein (LPAP / CD45-AP) during an immune response remains unclear. To understand better the function of LPAP we generated LPAP-deficient mice by disrupting exon 2 of the LPAP gene. LPAP-null mice were healthy and did not show gross abnormalities compared to their wild-type littermates. However, immunofluorescence analysis of T and B lymphocytes revealed a reduced expression of CD45, which did not affect a particular subpopulation. In contrast to a recent report (Matsuda et al., J. Exp. Med. 1998. 187: 1863 - 1870) we neither observed significant alterations of the assembly of the CD45 / lck-complex nor of polyclonal T-cell responses. However, lymphnodes from LPAP-null mice showed increased cellularity, which could indicate that expression of LPAP might be required to prevent expansion of lymphocytes in particular lymphatic organs rather than potentiating immune responses.