Twenty-seven Japanese patients with the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), consisting of 23 sporadic and 4 familial cases, were tested for mutations in the TSC1 and TSC2 genes, using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing. Four possible pathogenic mutations were found in the TSC1 gene, including three frame shifts and a nonsense mutation in a familial case. All mutations were expected to result in a truncated hamartin gene product. The TSC2 gene analysis identified six possible pathogenic mutations only in the sporadic cases, including two frame shifts, one in-frame deletion, and three missense mutations. Two of the TSC2 mutations were expected to result in a truncated tuberin gene product. These results of the Japanese TSC patients were compatible with the reports from Europe and the United States, i.e., (1) TSC1 mutations are rarer in sporadic cases than in familial cases, (2) substantial numbers of sporadic cases arise from mutations in the TSC2 gene, and (3) mutations of the TSC1 gene may cause premature truncation of hamartin.
Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.