The relationship between plasmablastic cells and outcome in multiple myeloma (MM) has been established for nearly 15 years. But the assessment of these cells is not easy to perform and it allows the identification of only a small proportion of patients. We investigated the plasma cell morphology using a progressive evaluation of consecutive criteria: nucleolus, chromatin and nuclear-cellular ratio (N/C). The combination of these three items produces a subclassification where four cellular subtypes identify 93% of the plasma cells, and these subtypes are related to the outcome. The interest of this methodology is to be based on the mature plasma cells that are easier to identify than the plasmablastic cells. These new cell subtypes introduce a new classification for patients: Group 1 includes patients with at least 66% mature plasma cells (P000). Both Group 2 and 3 have less than 66% P000 and are separated by their degree of maturation (Proplasma I > or = Proplasma II + plasmablastic). The distinction of these three groups of patients is highly related to the prognosis (P < 10(-4)). These results have been confirmed on a second group of patients coming from a different institution. In conclusion, we propose a new methodology for the plasma cell evaluation in MM, that is based on the morphological criteria and that has the advantage of identifying an intermediate (30%) subgroup of patients with a prognostic significance.