Nosocomial transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) may occur in a variety of circumstances. This problem is best characterised in haemodialysis units. In this setting, molecular analysis of viral isolates indicates that patient to patient is the most frequent mode of HCV transmission. Spreading of HCV is mainly related to non-strict observance of universal precautionary measures, which are an efficient and, possibly, sufficient means for prevention. Epidemics or single instances of patient-to-patient transmission have only occasionally been reported in hospital settings other than haemodialysis units, and, again, non-observance of universal precautionary measures, or inadequate cleaning or disinfecting of medical instruments was involved. Transmission from an infected surgeon to patients has been reported, but infection from doctors to patients seems to be exceptional. Thus, although prospective studies have not been performed, nosocomial transmission of HCV unrelated to haemodialysis appears to be an infrequent and preventable event.