After 12 h of thioacetamide (500 mg/kg body weight) administration to rats, the activity of caspase-3-like protease in the liver increased significantly compared to that in the control group. In plasma, the activity of caspase-3 was barely detectable in the control rat, but had increased significantly after 24 h of drug administration along with a dramatic increase in GOT. These results indicate that thioacetamide causes apoptosis in the liver by activating caspase-3, which is released to plasma by successive necrosis. At 24 h, the concentration of liver lipid hydroperoxides, a mediator of radical reaction, was 2.2 times as high as that of control rats. After 12 and 24 h of thioacetamide administration, the liver concentrations of vitamins C and E decreased significantly. The decrease of antioxidants and formation of lipid hydroperoxides 24 h after thioacetamide administration support the view that extensive radical reactions occur in the liver during the necrotic process.