Background: In 1998, ICPC-2 was published as a book. In the process of translating the book, and preparing an electronic version of chapter 10 (the actual classification), ICPC-2 proved to contain many errors and inconsistencies. Particularly, major problems were identified in the conversion between ICPC-2 and ICD-10, which could lead to major errors when used in electronic patient records.
Objectives: We prepared an electronic version of chapter 10 of ICPC-2, ICPC-2-E, with all necessary corrections, to be published on the Oxford University Press web site as a part of this article.
Methods: Errors and inconsistencies were redressed, including particularly those in the con-version structure with all consequences on the level of inclusion and exclusion criteria, through a process of careful checking.
Results and conclusion: ICPC-2-E, the electronic version of chapter 10 of ICPC-2, is specifically to be used in an electronic patient record and for research purposes. It is to be used together with the first nine chapters of ICPC-2, since the book is indispensable to make a correct use of ICPC.