Dobrava hantavirus (DOBV) causes severe hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Balkan region and has been detected recently also in Russia, Estonia, and Germany. DOBV nucleocapsid protein (N) was produced in insect cells, using the baculovirus expression system (bac-DOBV-N), and in E. coli as a truncated (aa 1-165) glutathione-S transferase fusion protein (DOBV-dN-GST). The antigenic properties of bac-DOBV-N were found identical to native DOBV-N when examined by a panel of hantavirus-specific monoclonal antibodies. Enzyme immunoassays for detection of IgM and IgG antibodies were set up using DOBV recombinant N proteins and compared with those based on recombinant Hantaan and Puumala virus N, using panels of sera collected from DOBV, Hantaan and Puumala virus-infected patients. Full-length N protein (bac-DOBV-N) was found to be a more sensitive antigen than DOBV-dN-GST. The sensitivity values for sera from DOBV-infected patients were 100% for bac-DOBV-N and 86% for DOBV-dN-GST by IgM assays, and 98% for bac-DOBV-N and 88% for DOBV-dN-GST by IgG assays. The specificity values were 100% for bac-DOBV-N and 99% for DOBV-dN-GST by IgM assays, and 100% for both antigens by IgG assays.
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