The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of respiratory distress syndrome-RDS evidence using amniotic fluid diagnostic tests. 200 amniotic fluid samples obtained by amniocentesis were study to evaluate pulmonary tissue maturity status. The PG test was 30% specific and 100% sensitive; FLM test showed 50% specificity and 67% sensitivity. The Sbarr tests OD 400 and 650 showed high specificity, relatively 88% and 71% and a low sensitive of 21% and 29%. Woytoń test showed 62% specificity and 36% sensitivity. Foam test had 11% specificity and 100% sensitivity. None of these testes used alone cannot predict the newborn pulmonary tissue maturity status and therefore all these test should be used combined. In our study RDS appeared in 8.4% of study newborns, and there was no evidence of RDS in newborns born after 35 weeks of gestation.