There is great interest in the non-destructive capabilities of magnetic resonance microscopy for studying murine models of both disease and normal function; however, these studies place extreme demands on the MR hardware, most notably the gradient field system. We designed, using constrained current minimum inductance methods, and fabricated a complete, unshielded three-axis gradient coil set that utilizes interleaved, multilayer axes to achieve maximum gradient strengths of over 2000 mT m(-1) in rise times of less than 50 micros with an inner coil diameter of 5 cm. The coil was wire-wound using a rectangular wire that minimizes the deposited power for a given gradient efficiency. Water cooling was also incorporated into the coil to assist in thermal management. The duty cycle for the most extreme cases of single shot echo planar imaging (EPI) is limited by the thermal response and expressions for maximum rates of image collection are given for burst and continuous modes of operation. The final coil is capable of the collection of single shot EPI images with 6 mm field of view and 94 microm isotropic voxels at imaging rates exceeding 50 s(-1).