The fluorite-related cubic structure of yttria-stabilized zirconia, Zr(0.75)(8)Y(0.24)(2)O(1.87)(9), has been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation and by EXAFS. Two diffraction data sets obtained at X-ray energies of 512 and 10 eV below the Y K edge revealed that in the average structure Zr atoms are displaced from the origin of the space group Fm3;m along <111> by 0.19 Å, while Y atoms reside at the origin. Approximately 48% of the O atoms occupy the ideal position in the fluorite-type structure, while 43% of O atoms are displaced from the ideal position along <001> by 0.31 Å. The remaining 9% of O atoms are presumably sited at interstitial positions. Local structures around Zr and Y are investigated by combining the results of single-crystal X-ray diffraction and EXAFS studies.