Takayasu arteritis (TA) is characterized by a 'pulseless' condition and occurs frequently in young females from Asian and South American countries. It has been associated with Mayor Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes in different populations. Recent data indicate direct participation of HLA-B alleles in the susceptibility to the disease. This fact was explored in an associative study with TA to establish if some region in the exon 2, intron 2 or in the exon 3 of HLA-B alleles is common in the alleles associated with TA and at the same time to know if a specific sequence or an epitope, more than an allele, would be responsible for the susceptibility to this vasculitis. We studied HLA-B alleles of 12 Mexican patients with TA using PCR-SSP and sequencing. The analysis by PCR-SSP in 12 patients showed that five of them showed the B*15 allele, three the B*40 allele and two the B*39 allele, the remaining two presented the B*44 allele. Sequence analysis enabled us to define that the B*39 subtypes are B*3908; B*15 subtypes are B*1510, B*1515, B*1522 and B*1531; and the B*40 subtypes are B*4005 and B*4008. An individual with B*51 (B*5107) and another with B*52 (B*5201) alleles were also identified. The sequences of the intron 2 seem be heterogeneous. Analysis at the 63 and 67 positions of HLA-B alleles showed that 9 of them have similarity in some of these positions with the residues detected in the B*5201 and B*3902 alleles associated with TA in Asian populations. The results indicate that there is heterogeneity in the alleles associated with TA in Mexicans but, in spite of that heterogeneity, the alleles associates can be separated into three groups: B*39, B*15 and B*40, whose subtypes are rare and apparently of recent generation in Mexico, probably by recombination events at intron 2 level. The sequences analysis also shows that most of the alleles detected in the Mexican patients share two epitopes described in the susceptibility alleles in Asian populations, suggesting that these epitopes could be responsible for the susceptibility to develop the disease in spite of the allele in which are found.