Human electroencephalogram (EEG) has been divided in bands established by visual inspection that frequently do not correspond with EEG generators nor with functional meaning of EEG rhythms. Power spectra from wakefulness, stage 2, stage 4 and paradoxical sleep of 8 young adults were submitted to Principal Component Analyses to investigate which frequencies covaried together. Two identical eigenvectors were identified for stage 2 and stage 4: 1 to 8 Hz and 5 to 15 Hz (87.95 and 84.62 % of the total variance respectively). Two eigenvectors were extracted for PS: 1 to 9 Hz and 10 to 15 Hz (81.62% of the total variance). Three eigenvectors were obtained for W: with frequencies between 1 to 7 Hz, 7 to 11 Hz, and 12 to 15 Hz (78.32% of the total variance). Power for all frequencies showed significant differences among vigilance states. These results indicate that slow wave activity can oscillate at higher frequencies, up to 8 Hz, and that spindle oscillations have a wider range down to 5 Hz. No theta band was independently identified, suggesting either that delta and theta oscillations are two rhythms under the same global influence, or that the traditional division of theta band in the human cortical EEG is artificial. Alpha as a band was identified only during wakefulness. Principal component analysis upon spectral densities extracted broad bands different for each vigilance state and from traditional bands, consistent with functional significance of EEG and with frequencies of generators of rhythmic activity obtained in cellular studies in animals.