Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are characterized by a haematopoetic insufficiency that can lead to acute leukemia. A multistep pathogenesis caused by a clonal stem cell defect affecting several differentiation pathways has been proposed for MDS. Contrary to the better characterized alteration of lymphoid and myeloid differentiation, defects in thrombocytopoesis in MDS remain less clear. In the present study, we analyzed the expression of platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ia/IIa, IIb/IIIa, Ib/IX, and IV in 21 MDS patients (12 RA, 2 RARS, 4 RAEB, 1 RAEB-T, 2 CMML) and healthy controls by flowcytometric analysis and quantitation of platelet GP RNA using fluorescence-based PCR. We observed a reduced cell surface expression of GPIb (p<0.01) and GPIIb/IIIa (p<0.01), while GPIa/IIa and GPIV expression was only marginally different between patients and controls. In contrast, there was a two-fold increase of platelet GPIb and GPIIb RNA and a three-fold increase of GPIV RNA among MDS patients. Increased levels of platelet GPIb and GPIIb RNA were significantly more prominent among patients with RAEB(-T)/CMML (p<0. 05) in comparison to patients with RA/RARS. In conclusion, we demonstrate alterations in the cell surface expression and RNA content of platelet GPs in MDS patients. These data are consistent with dysmegakaryocytopoiesis and a defect in thrombocytopoiesis among MDS patients resulting from the clonal stem cell defect in MDS.