The use of recombinant CD4-IgG2 in pediatric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection was evaluated by single and multidose intravenous infusions in 18 children in a phase 1/2 study. The study drug was well tolerated, and dose proportionality was observed in terms of area under time-concentration curve and peak serum concentration. Acute decreases of >0.7 log(10) copies/mL in serum HIV-1 RNA concentration were seen in 4 of the 6 children treated with 4 weekly 10 mg/kg doses. At 14 days after treatment, 3 children had sustained reductions in serum HIV-1 RNA; the other children had rebounded to baseline levels or above. By 28 days after therapy, the peak HIV-1 cellular infectious units was reduced in all 6 children, including the 2 who had experienced an earlier transient increase in values. Thus, recombinant CD4-IgG2 treatment of HIV-1-infected children appears to be well tolerated and capable of reducing HIV-1 burden.