To elucidate the molecular pathology underlying the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), we used 41 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to examine 55 HCC and corresponding non-tumor liver tissues on chromosome 9, 16 and 17. Loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) is observed with high frequency on chromosomal region 17p13 (36/55, 65%), 9p21-p23 (28/55, 51%), 16q21-q23 (27/55, 49%) in tumors. Meanwhile, microsatellite instability is rarely found in these microsatellite loci. Direct sequencing was performed to detect the tentative mutation of tumor suppressor genes in these regions: p53, MTS1/p16, and CDH1/E-cadherin. Within exon 5-9 of p53 gene, 14 out of 55 HCC specimens (24%) have somatic mutations, and nucleotide deletion of this gene is reported in HCC for the first time. Mutation in MTS1/p16 is found only in one tumor case. We do not find mutations in CDH1/E-cadherin. Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation is present between p53 gene mutation and loss of chromosome region 16q21-q23 and 9p21-p23, which indicates that synergism between p53 inactivation and deletion of 16q21-q23 and 9p21-p23 may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCC.