In the classic 'two-signal' model for B cell activation, signal 1 through the antigen receptor plus signal 2 through lymphokine receptors and CD40 leads to proliferation, but signal 1 alone leads to tolerance or anergy. In a protocol designed to deliver signal 1 in vitro with anti-delta without signal 2, purified small dense B cells from untreated mice exposed to any of three monoclonal anti-delta antibodies or to polyclonal anti-delta in vitro showed modest S phase entry at 50 microg/ml. In contrast, at low doses (0.1-0.5 microg/ml) of anti-delta, there was no cell cycle entry at 64 h, but apoptosis was accelerated at 16 h. Polyclonal anti-mu and three monoclonal anti-mus did not show this early apoptosis induction. Anti-CD40 and IL-4 inhibited apoptosis in B cells treated with 0.5 microg/ml anti-delta and increased S phase entry at 10 microg/ml anti-delta. Low-dose anti-delta (but not anti-mu) induced increased B7-2 and class II MHC expression on a subset of B cells, many of which were in apoptosis. Larger transient increases in c-Myc and Egr-1 expression were seen with low-dose anti-delta than with anti-mu, followed by an abrupt fall below baseline, a sequence previously linked to apoptosis. There was no change in Bcl-2, Bcl-x(L) or Bax. These data suggest a functional difference between delta and mu cross-linking on resting spleen B cells. A BCR stimulus sufficient for early activation events, but insufficient for full G1 entry, may lead to apoptosis.