The first naturally processed peptide synthesized by a virus and recognized by classical CD8(+) T cells in association with the RT1.A(l) major histocompatibility complex class I molecule of the Lewis rat is reported. Borna disease virus-specific CD8(+) T cells recognize syngeneic target cells pulsed with peptides extracted from Borna disease virus-infected cells. The predicted peptide sequence ASYAQMTTY from the viral p40 protein coeluted with the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-reactive fraction was identified among natural ligands by tandem mass spectrometry. Numerous naturally processed peptides derived from intracellular bacteria, viruses, or tumors and recognized by CD8(+) T cells of man and mice are known, leading to a better understanding of cellular immune mechanisms against pathogens in these two species. In contrast, for the rat little information exists with regard to the function and role of CD8(+) T cells as part of their cellular immune defense system. This first naturally processed viral epitope in the rat contributes to the understanding of the rat cellular immune response and might trigger the identification of more cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes in this animal.