Objective: The incidence of subacute thyroiditis (SAT) is low and there are a few reports of recurrence of subacute thyroiditis. Current treatment protocols for SAT are not uniform. Prednisolone (PSL) is chosen more often for treatment than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This study was undertaken to confirm the recurrence rate of SAT managed by PSL, and to compare the initial laboratory data between the recurrent and the non-recurrent groups.
Methods: After diagnosis, all patients were treated with PSL (starting at 30 mg or 25 mg per day, tapered by 5 mg per week) for 5 or 6 weeks. We evaluated data and symptoms at the first visit and during the therapy.
Patients: Thirty-six patients who received only PSL for SAT at our hospital between January 1997 and December 1998 were referred. These patients asked to visit every 2 weeks for the monitoring of symptoms and laboratory data.
Results: SAT symptoms recurred in eight patients (22%), most upon cessation of PSL. There was no difference in initial serum sialic acid, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, thyroglobulin, serum free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine before PSL treatment between the recurrent and non-recurrent patient populations.
Conclusions: The recurrence rate of SAT with treated PSL is about 20%. There was no difference in the laboratory data before starting the therapy between recurrent and non-recurrent groups. Therefore, a modified protocol of PSL administration may be needed to decrease the early recurrent rate of SAT.