Background: Evaluating plateletpheresis (PPH) and repeat community whole-blood (RWB) donors' responses to donation incentive programs is essential for developing effective donor retention programs.
Study design and methods: Using data from a 1998 anonymous questionnaire sent to 92,581 US blood donors, the prevalence of unreported deferrable risks, screening test reactivity, and response to incentives were compared in RWB and PPH donors by the use of weighted chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses.
Results: From 52,650 respondents, 38,884 RWB and 2,028 PPH donors were identified. Levels of screening test reactivity (1%) and unreported deferrable risks (UDRs, 2-3%) were similar in RWB and PPH donors. RWB and PPH donors were strongly encouraged or discouraged by similar incentives. Of the incentives that would encourage a higher proportion of UDR-free RWB donors to return, cholesterol screening and earning a blood credit appealed to >50 percent. Similar results were obtained for cholesterol screening in PPH donors. Community service or education credits, premarital screening, and cash had limited appeal for PPH and RWB donors, respectively, and would be more likely to differentially encourage donors with a UDR to return.
Conclusion: Incentives that were associated with the greatest donor appeal and that minimized the potential recruitment of more risky donors were identified.