The avian isthmic nuclei are constituted by a group of structures reciprocally connected with the tectum opticum and considered to play a role in the modulation of intratectal processes. Although the two larger isthmic nuclei, the n. isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) and the n. isthmi pars magnocellularis (Imc), have been studied in detail previously, the third and smallest of this group, the n. isthmi pars semilunaris (SLu), has been largely neglected. The present study demonstrates this isthmic component to be characterized by a unique connectivity and immunohistochemical pattern: 1) SLu receives tectal afferents and projects back onto the outer retinorecipient tectal layers; 2) it projects bilaterally onto the nucleus rotundus and thus modulates the ascending tectofugal system; 3) in addition, previous studies have demonstrated SLu projections onto the lateral spiriform nucleus (SpL), which mediates basal ganglia output onto the tectum. In that SpL projects onto the deep layers of the tectum, SLu indirectly modulates descending tectal output patterns. Taken together, the role of SLu goes far beyond a local modulation of intratectal processes. Instead, this isthmic structure is likely to play a key role in the topographically organized modulation of the ascending and, at least indirectly, also the descending projections of the optic tectum.
Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.