Objectives: This report presents preliminary data for 1999 on deaths in the United States. U.S. data on deaths are shown by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin. Data on life expectancy, leading causes of death, and infant mortality are also presented.
Methods: Data in this report are based on a sample of deaths comprising more than 99 percent of the total deaths in the United States for 1999. The records are weighted to independent control counts of infant deaths, and deaths 1 year and over received in State vital statistics offices for 1999. Unless indicated, comparisons are made with final data for 1998. Effective with this report, all age-adjusted death rates for 1999 and earlier years are standardized to the year 2000 population. Also, effective with mortality data for 1999, causes of death are coded and classified according to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) replacing ICD-9 used in the United States for deaths occurring during 1979-98.
Results: In 1999 the age-adjusted death rate for the United States increased slightly, compared with 1998. For causes of death, declines in age-adjusted rates occurred for homicide (6 percent) and suicide (6 percent), while rates for Septicemia and hypertension increased 6.6 percent and 5.0 percent, respectively. Mortality also decreased for drug-induced deaths and deaths from injury by firearms. The infant mortality rate for the white population was down 3 percent, while the rate for the black population increased by 2 percent, but the increase was not statistically significant. Life expectancy remained the same at 76.7 years.