According to increment of detection of the "small" size peripheral lung cancer measuring less than 20 mm in the greatest dimension, the "less" invasive VATS lobectomy has became widespread among the general thoracic surgeon. To decide on the indication of VATS lobectomy, the frequency of nodal metastasis and recurrence were examined in relation to size of the tumor. The diagnostic accuracy of nodal status in clinical and pathological examinations was 88% in the group with tumors less than 20 mm, 79% in the 21 to 30 mm group and 63% in the c-T2 group, respectively. Also, recurrencies were experienced more frequently in c-T2 (44%) than in c-T1 (19%). In our department, the VATS lobectomy was introduced under the condition as follows; the clinical stage should be limited to T1N0M0. Intraoperative histological examination of the locoregional lymph nodes is required to avoid the risk of local recurrence. In these limited conditions, the survival rate of VATS lobectomy is slightly superior to that of the standard thoracotomy in a same clinical stage. In the future, the application of this procedure should be investigated in older patients, and in more advanced cases.