Hemorrhagic complications have been reported after repeated exposures to bovine thrombin products due to development of factor V inhibitors. Our patient underwent emergency repair of acute aortic dissection and coronary artery bypass grafting. The patient developed leg wound infection at the saphenous vein harvest site, which was debrided and left open. Attempt to reclose the leg wound 1 month later was complicated by a life-threatening hemorrhage with markedly elevated activated partial thromboplastin time. There was no evidence of infection or disseminated intravascular coagulation, and further study identified low factor V level with positive factor V inhibitor. Treatment with plasmapheresis and steroid successfully reversed the coagulopathy. Detailed case review failed to reveal exposure to any thrombin products other than the one used for the aortic dissection repair. This case was unusual because only a single exposure to this product resulted in severe hemorrhagic complication 1 month after surgery.