In the present study regression equations are established between broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) captive reproductive females snout-vent length (SVL) and body mass (BM) and the following clutch characteristics: egg mass, egg "length" (maximal diameter), egg "width" (minimal diameter), hatchling BM, hatchling SVL, clutch size (number of eggs), clutch mass and relative clutch mass (clutch mass/female BM). Female body-length presented a positive correlation with egg mass, egg length, egg width, hatchling BM and hatchling SVL. No clear correlation was found between female SVL and clutch size. Female BM showed a significantly positive correlation with egg mass, egg-length, egg-width, hatchling BM, hatchling SVL and clutch mass. A highly significant negative correlation was found between female BM and the relative clutch mass. No clear correlation was found between female BM and clutch size.