Fresh pullet eggs (White Leghorn Strain) were incubated from 6-19 hours. Blastoderms were fixed in situ with aldehyde fixative, post-osmicated in 2% OsO4, dehydrated in acetone, critical-point-dried, mounted ventral side up, coated with palladium-gold wire and observed in a Cambridge Stereoscan S4 scanning electron microscope. Large extracellular yolk granules had a smooth surface and appeared to break up into smaller particles. Similar particles have been observed intracellularly in transmission electron microscopy. Numerous microappendages, mostly ruffles, suggest phagocytosis as a method of absorption of yolk granules into the cells. Absorption of yolk by the cells of the blastoderm involves an initial break up of yolk granules followed by phagocytosis.