During the period from 1974 to June 2000 we used the straight ileo-anal Soave pull-through to treat 42 patients (24 affected by total colonic aganglionosis [TCA], 10 with ulcerative colitis and 8 with familial polyposis). The aim of this paper is to show that this operation, associated with total colectomy, is highly recommended, causing a lower number of complications when compared to the various "reservoir" techniques. The mean age of the 24 patients with TCA at the time of the pull-through was 2.8 years; in the ulcerative colitis group, it was 14.3 years and in the familial polyposis group 27.2 years. We always used an ileo-anal deferred anastomosis and never performed temporary loop-diverting ileostomy at the time of the pull-through. In the TCA patients we had no immediate or long-term serious post-operative complications: ileal adaptation, after a frequency of 10 - 12 liquid stools a day, showed a gradual, constant and in some cases amazing improvement in all children. Two years after surgery, the mean stool frequency was 3.6 per 24 hours with no significant differences between the 3 main groups; only 4 children still presented with occasional soiling. After pull-through, all children showed normal growth curves in the long term. There was no malabsorption, no serious electrolyte imbalance, no perianal excoriation, no strictures or intestinal obstruction; their quality of life was considered more than satisfactory by the children's families. We have no direct experience with the various ileal "reservoir" techniques for ulcerative colitis and ileal polyposis nor with colon-sparing operations for TCA; as reported in the literature, all these surgical procedures seem to have a higher number of complications such as pelvic sepsis, pouchitis, enterocolitis, etc. compared with our series; we therefore confirm that total colectomy with the straight ileo-anal Soave pull-through is our treatment of choice, as it is simpler to perform and has fewer short- and long-term complications.