The morphological features of bone marrow aspiration biopsies performed at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital from 1997 to 1999 (3 years) on 24 anaemic AIDS patients (Table i) were retrospectively reviewed. The marrow was normocellular in 7(29.2%) cases and hypocellular in 17(70.8%) cases. Erythropoiesis was normoblastic in 5(20.8%) cases, micronormoblastic in 8(33.3%) cases and megaloblastic in 11(45.8%) cases. All of the 8(33.3%) cases with micronormoblastic erythropoiesis had no stainable iron stores while the remaining 16(66.7%) cases with either normoblastic or megaloblastic erythropoiesis had increased stainable iron stores. Myelopoiesis was sequential in all cases studied. Megakaryocytes were adequate in all cases. Dysplasia in the form of cytoplasmic vacuolations affecting both erythroid and myeloid precursors was seen in 4(16.7%) cases. Lymphocytes counts were normal in 17(70.8%) cases and increased in 7(29.2%) cases. Plasma cells were increased in all cases. Haemophagocytosis was seen in only 1(4.2%) case. Of the 24 cases studied. 10 and 14 cases had positive and negative history of Chloramphenicol ingestion respectively and the cases with positive history of the drug ingestion had significantly higher frequency (90%) of marrow hypocellularity as compared to the lower frequency of 51.7% seen among cases with negative history of chloramphenicol ingestion. These marrow features were thought to reflect the combined effect of malnutrition and drug (Chloramphenicol) in a background state of advanced chronic disease due to AIDS.