Introduction and objectives: The asynchronic contraction of the left ventricle due to left bundle branch block or right ventricular pacing is inferior from a hemodynamic point of view to the synchronic contraction through the conduction system. Several authors have reported some cases of pump failure and deterioration of mitral regurgitation after AV nodal ablation. Alternative sites of pacing such as the right ventricular outflow tract pacing have been proposed in order to avoid these complications. Direct His bundle pacing might be a new alternative for permanent pacing, however, it has not been extensively evaluated in humans yet. Our aim is to prove the feasibility of permanent His pacing in terms of stability, thresholds and pump function.
Population: patients without structural heart disease, selected for AV nodal ablation due to uncontrolled paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, or for pacemaker implantation due to supraHis conduction disturbance, with normal conduction system. An active fixation permanent lead was placed in His position using an steering guidewire and a diagnostic catheter as an anatomical reference. We also implanted a lead in the right atrial appendage and both were connected to a DDDR generator. Pacing thresholds and ecocardiographic ventricular function parameters were evaluated (ejection fraction, cavity size, mitral regurgitation).
Results: 12 patients met the inclusion criteria. Successful His pacing was achieved in 8 out of 12 cases (66%) with acceptable thresholds at implantation (1.24 +/- 0.13 volts at 0.5 ms) and during follow up at 3 months (1.31 +/- 0.20 volts at 0.5 ms). Neither a significant change in the ecocardiographic parameters not a deterioration in the clinical status caused by ablation or stimulation was evidenced.
Conclusion: The His bundle may be the site of choice for long term pacing in patients with AV block and normal infraHis conduction system.