This study assesses the evolution of schistosomiasis in the endemic area of Pernambuco, using data from five campaigns of chemotherapy control carried out by national health programmes from 1977 to 1996. Analysis of the data showed that: a) the proportion of municipalities with prevalence above 25% was significantly higher in the coastal-forest zone than in the zone of transitional vegetation Agreste in the four evaluations made in the endemic area; b) the prevalence of infection decreased in both zones even when the interval between campaigns were more than five years. The last survey (1996) indicated a predominance of municipalities with prevalences below 25%. However, the majority of these municipalities had localities with prevalence above 50%. A proposal is presented for the identification of the problematic localities, where complementary measures to chemotherapy, such as systematic snail control, improved sanitation, health education and community mobilization, are still necessary.