The coexistance of tuberculous infection (TB-infection) and lung cancer in patients treated in Pulmonary Department of Medical Academy in Lublin during last ten years (1990-2000) has been evaluated. Inclusion criteria involved: aging from 50 to 80 years, tobacco smoking, tuberculous infection in present or in past, lung cancer. All analyzed patients (32 males, 13 females) were heavy smokers (from 10 to 70 cigarettes per day, during at least 5 years). 27 patients were suffered from lung tuberculosis in past, the rest of them had active tuberculous infection. In 19 cases we detected carcinoma planoepitheliale, in 13 cases carcinoma macrocellulare, in 7 cases carcinoma microcellulare and in 6 cases adenocarcinoma. We concluded, that increased occurrence of lung cancer in TB reinfected patients may be connected with immunodepression caused by chronic TB infection. In patients with new active TB-infection in whom the clinical status and chest X-ray were getting worse in spite of antituberculotic treatment recommended procedures for cancer diagnosis were performed. We suggest that bad results of anti-tuberculotic treatment in TB-infected patients are not always caused by bactericidal resistance. In these cases, the proper diagnosis of lung cancer should be considered.