225 monosera from patients (121 adults and 104 children) with different malignant haemopathies from the Institute of Hematology were studied. The hemagglutination inhibition (HI) technique and the neutralization technique were used to know the presence of antimeasles antibodies. All these patients were under immunosuppression treatment at the time of taking the specimen and children had received the triple viral vaccine (measles, rubella, parotiditis) before the disease was diagnosed. It was found that 51 (42.14%) of the adults' specimens were positive by HI and of the 25 negative specimens that underwent the neutralization technique, 18 (72%) proved to be positive. Of the 104 sera corresponding to children, 31 (29.8%) specimens were positive by HI, whereas 29 of the negative were studied by neutralization. 18.34% of all the specimens continued to be negative by both methods. According with the 2 techniques used, the presence of measles virus antibodies was of 81.66% in children and of 90.78% in adults.