The predominance of high molecular weight PRL, or macroprolactinemia, has long been known in hyperprolactinemic patients with maintained fertility. Among 1,106 consecutive patients investigated for hyperprolactinemia in our center over a 10-yr period, serum PRL chromatography was performed in 368 cases because of discordant clinical, biological, or neuroradiological findings. We prospectively studied the 106 patients with macroprolactinemia (96 women, 6 men, 4 children) and compared them with the 262 hyperprolactinemic patients with a normal PRL elution pattern. We concluded the following: 1) the incidence of macroprolactinemia in our hyperprolactinemic population was at least 10%; 2) despite preserved fertility with uneventful pregnancies, some of the usual symptoms of hyperprolactinemia were present; 3) mean PRL values were 61 +/- 66 microg/liter (range, 20-663) and exceeded 100 microg/liter in 8.5% of patients; 4) PRL levels usually remained stable over time; 5) on dopaminergic therapy, PRL returned to normal in 21 of 45 treated patients; 6) during follow-up of 7 pregnancies, PRL increased to supraphysiological levels in 5; and 7) pituitary magnetic resonance imaging was normal in 78% of patients or revealed diverse pituitary lesions, including adenomas (n = 5). A diagnostic method for macroprolactinemia should be available to all centers to avoid unnecessary hormonal or radiological investigations and treatments.