Autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease (ADMCKD) is an adult-onset heterogeneous genetic nephropathy characterized by salt wasting and end-stage renal failure. The gene responsible for ADMCKD-1 was mapped on chromosome 1q21 and it is flanked proximally by marker D1S498 and distally by D1S2125, encompassing a region of approximately 8 cm. Within this region there are a large number of transcribed genes including NPR1 that encodes the atrial natriuretic peptide receptor 1. This receptor plays a crucial role in regulation of blood pressure by facilitating salt excretion. Based on its function we hypothesized this gene as a reasonable candidate for the MCKD1 locus. DNA mutation screening was performed on the entire NPR1 gene-coding sequence and some of the 5' prime-UTR and 3'-UTR sequences. The samples investigated belonged to patients of five large ADMCKD-1 Cypriot families. The screening revealed two novel polymorphisms, one intragenic at amino acid position 939, which was occupied by either arginine or glutamine, and a second one located in the 3' prime-UTR, 29 nucleotides downstream of the NPR1 stop codon. The latter was a single nucleotide C insertion/deletion in a stretch of three or four Cs. No relationship was present between any allele of the two polymorphisms and the disease, as both alleles were observed in both affected and healthy subjects. In addition, no association was observed between the disease and another rare 8-bp deletion polymorphism at the 5' prime-UTR of NPR1 and the disease. Based on these findings it is unlikely that NPR1 is the same as the MCKD1 gene, although it is presently unknown whether it plays a disease modifying role.
Copyright 2001 Academic Press.