Teaching instrument: a laparoscopic training model

J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Nov;84(11):1614-8.


A laparoscopic training model with female surface anatomy has been developed. This training model is made of a plastic boutique-showing model that is equivalent to normal-size female anatomy from the neck to the upper thigh. Four holes were made on the model's abdominal wall as puncture-sites to enter the cavity, the first is 80-mm diameter at the umbilical area, and the other three 38-mm diameter holes are located on both sides of the lower abdomen and suprapubic area. The umbilical hole can be covered with a simulated abdominal wall made from 6.5-mm insulation sheet, fixed to the model using a rubber band. The other three puncture-sites were plugged with a flexible rubber diaphragm as working ports. When used as video-laparoscopy, the auto-focus camcorder is used as a telescope and is connected to a regular television set as a monitor. This model can be used for training of abdominal entry by Veress needle or trocar, laparoscopic tubal ligation (LTL), and video-eye-hand co-ordination. This model has been a training medium in our Department for 1 year and was included in the OSCE for the Board Examination of the Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the year 2000 to assess the process of Veress needle insertion.

MeSH terms

  • Clinical Competence*
  • Gynecology / education*
  • Humans
  • Laparoscopy*