Angular distributions of 12C(alpha,alpha)12C have been measured for E(alpha) = 2.6-8.2 MeV, at angles from 24 to 166, yielding 12 864 data points. R-matrix analysis of the ratios of elastic scattering yields a reduced width amplitude of gamma12 = 0.47 +/- 0.06 MeV(1/2) for the Ex = 6.917 MeV (2+) state in 16O(a = 5.5 fm). The dependence of the chi2 surface on the interaction radius a has been investigated and a deep minimum is found at a = 5.42(+0.16)(-0.27) fm. Using this value of gamma12, radiative alpha capture and 16N beta-delayed alpha-decay data, the S factor is calculated at E(c.m.) = 300 keV to be S(E2)(300) = 53(+13)(-18) keV b for destructive interference between the subthreshold resonance tail and the ground state E2 direct capture.