The authors present a case of intra-osseous meningioma in a 10 years old boy, located on the level of the vertex in the fronto-interparietal region, with the shape of a hand mass, painless, free from all neurological, ophtalmological and angiographic signs. The x-rays examination permit a diagnosis of an osteoma of the cranial vault. The surgery enables the exeresis of a large tumor of the vault 3 cm thick, without any attachment to the dura-matter. The histological examination reveals that it is, in fact, an intra-osseous meningioma. From this observation the authors carried out a review of all litterature in this field, only 12 observations are found again, and none of them deal with children. These intra-osseous meningioma develop from Pacchioni granulations included in the diploic region. They bring about handly any clinical signs and the x-rays findings do not enable us to put forward or suggest the diagnostic of intra-osseous meningioma.