Several therapeutic options exist for patients who have BE, and treatment should be individualized (Fig. 1). The best option in patients who have a high surgical risk or who reject surgery is lifelong conservative treatment, adjusting the PPI dosage with pH-metric controls. In patients who have a low surgical risk the best option is Nissen fundoplication. Only in cases in which esophageal shortening prevents a tension-free fundoplication from being done is a Collis gastroplasty associated with a fundoplication indicated. Other options may be indicated only in exceptional circumstances: (a) duodenal switch, when, after multiple failures with previous surgery, the approach to the esophagogastric junction is extremely difficult; and (b) esophageal resection, when there is a nondilatable esophageal stenosis and in cases in which the histologic study reveals the presence of high-grade dysplasia. Whatever treatment is used, an endoscopic surveillance program is mandatory, since, with the exception of total esophagectomy, no therapeutic option completely eliminates the risk for progression to adenocarcinoma.