Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), in its acute stage, is a uniformly fatal disease. ATLL is caused by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-1), a retrovirus endemic in numerous areas throughout the world including Japan, the Caribbean, Central and South America and certain areas of the United States. Although the progression from HTLV-1 carrier status to ATLL occurs only rarely, ATLL is incurable and thus prevention of HTLV-1 transmission should be a primary goal. With the development of new anti-retroviral and monoclonal therapies, there exist potential cures or at least prolonged remissions for patients diagnosed with ATLL. We present a case of ATLL that, to our knowledge, is only the third reported case in Georgia. In addition, we present a brief review of the literature, including potential new treatment regimens that appear to have promise in the treatment of ATLL.