Korea needs national strategies to handle problems of Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs) systematically. Since 1993, the Korean government has begun to provide financial subsidy programs for Occupational Health Services (OHSs) in SSEs from Occupational Injury Prevention Fund. To identify the health care status in SSEs in Korea, 5,080 factories, which had participated in the Government-funded Subsidy Program in 1997, were surveyed. The overall morbidity of the workers in these SSEs was higher than the national average for both general and occupational diseases. Based on the health examinations for occupational disease of those workers exposed to occupational hazards such as noise, dust, or solvents, we could find the industry-specific occupational disease patterns. From this result, we would plan the targeted occupational health services to specific groups. In spite that the effectiveness of this program is not completely assessed, our results indicate that it is desirable for this program to be continued in Korea. In addition, this program may be a good model for rapidly developing countries.