Background: Hemolytic transfusion reactions have been observed in recipients of ABO- and/or D-mismatched marrow, peripheral blood, and solid organs. Passenger lymphocyte syndrome occurs when immunocompetent donor lymphocytes transferred during transplantation produce alloantibodies against host antigens.
Case report: The first case of a delayed, anti-Jk(a)-mediated hemolytic reaction in a liver transplant recipient, caused by passenger donor lymphocytes, is reported here. A 43-year-old man underwent liver transplantation. Six weeks later, the patient underwent a second liver transplant. On Day 10 of the second transplant, clinical hemolysis ensued; anti-Jk(a) was detected. The patient's DAT became positive, and anti-Jk(a) was eluted from his RBCs. On Day 35 of the patient's second transplant, 3 weeks after the last blood transfusion, the patients' DAT was still weakly positive with anti-Jk(a) in the eluate. Six months later, serum antibody screening was negative, but the DAT was still weakly positive. The patient's RBCs tested Jk(a+), whereas the second donor's RBCs were Jk(a-).
Conclusion: This is the first documentation of clinically significant hemolysis caused by anti-Jk(a), produced by passenger lymphocytes transferred from the donor's liver to the transplant recipient.