We recently reported that baroreceptor-mediated reflexes modulate thermoregulatory vasoconstriction during lower abdominal surgery. Accordingly, we examined the hypothesis that postural differences and the related alterations in baroreceptor loading similarly modulate the thermogenic (i.e., shivering) response to hypothermia in humans. In healthy humans (n = 7), cold saline was infused IV (30 mL/kg at 4 degrees C) for 30 min to decrease core temperature. Each participant was studied on 2 separate days, once lying supine and once sitting upright. Tympanic membrane temperature and oxygen consumption were monitored for 40 min after each saline infusion. The decrease in core temperature upon completion of the infusion in the upright posture position was 1.24 degrees C +/- 0.07 degrees C, which was significantly greater than the 1.02 degrees C +/- 0.06 degrees C seen in the supine position. The core temperature was reduced by 0.59 degrees C +/- 0.07 degrees C in the upright position but only by 0.37 degrees C +/- 0.05 degrees C in the supine position when the increase in oxygen consumption signaling thermogenic shivering occurred. Thus, the threshold temperature for thermogenesis was significantly less in the upright than the supine position. The gain of the thermogenic response did not differ significantly between the positions (363 +/- 69 mL. min(-1). degrees C(-1) for upright and 480 +/- 80 mL. min(-1). degrees C(-1) for supine). The skin temperature gradient was significantly larger in the upright than in the supine posture, suggesting that the peripheral vasoconstriction was augmented by upright posture. Plasma norepinephrine concentrations increased in response to cold saline infusion under both conditions, but the increase was significantly larger in the upright than in the supine posture. Baroreceptor unloading thus augments the peripheral vasoconstrictor and catecholamine response to core hypothermia but simultaneously reduces thermogenesis, which consequently aggravated the core temperature decrease in the upright posture.
Implications: Upright posture attenuates the thermogenic response to core hypothermia but augments peripheral vasoconstriction. This divergent result suggests that input from the baroreceptor modifies the individual thermoregulatory efferent pathway at a site distal to the common thermoregulatory center or neural pathway.