Purpose: To determine the ability of magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography to depict the anatomic reestablishment of the capsulolabral complex after suture-anchor Bankart repair.
Materials and methods: Thirty patients (25 men, five women; mean age, 28 years) who had undergone suture-anchor Bankart repair of one shoulder underwent MR arthrography before second-look arthroscopy. Ninety-eight anchors were used for the sutures. MR arthrographic diagnosis of anatomic reestablishment of the capsulolabral complex was correlated with arthroscopic findings. Contingency table analysis was performed to determine the relationship between MR arthrographic findings and arthroscopic findings.
Results: MR findings of reattachment of the capsulolabral complex were in agreement with arthroscopic findings in 93 anchor points (accuracy, 93 of 98 anchor points; 95%). In 28 shoulders, oblique transverse images obtained with the shoulder in the abduction and external rotation position showed that the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (AIGHL) abutted the humeral head and that reattachment of the AIGHL to the glenoid rim was seamless. Arthroscopy revealed satisfactory reestablishment of the capsulolabral complex in these shoulders. In the remaining two shoulders, a pool of contrast material was seen between the AIGHL and humeral head and a "divot" was detected at the point of reattachment of the AIGHL to the glenoid rim. Arthroscopy revealed unsatisfactory reestablishment of the capsulolabral complex. MR arthrographic findings of reattachment of the AIGHL were significantly associated with arthroscopic findings of reestablishment of the capsulolabral complex (P <.01).
Conclusion: MR arthrography can be reliably used for the postoperative assessment of suture-anchor Bankart repair.